Australians prepare for the “Death of the .Com”

Do you come from a land down under?

Aussies want to switch to .AU.

Australians are passionate about their nationality; the land of the Oz has its own ccTLD: dot .AU.

Only problem is, you can’t register domains in .AU directly, you’d have to register a, which is also restricted to Australians.

Australia’s regulatory body for domain names, (auDA), recently announced its 2015 Names Policy Panel proposal.

Australian domainers, such as Michael Gilmour and Mike Robertson, are certain excited about this! 😀

In it, individuals and entities in Australia should be allowed to register domain names directly under dot .au, such as

This way more small businesses will enter the online market, and more domains – shorter too – will be available.

This new domain name option has not been possible before.

Under the proposal, domains ending with, would remain available.

But given the new options, many Australian entrepreneurs and domain investors alike will switch to the new TLD, the way it happened with and .uk.

For more information on the subject, read this article.

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3 Responses to “Australians prepare for the “Death of the .Com””
  1. Hire Domains says:

    Many folk are not happy with this,, they spent good money acquiring their and now a money grab new extension appears. We don’t need or really want it. When in doubt go back to the old saying “If it aint broken ……. don’t fix it”

  2. DomainGang says:

    HD – Not sure if there will be a grandfathering for owners either.

  3. Hire Domains says:

    Yep that’s part of the issue, other owners such as should be involved.

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