Mike Robertson: An interview with Australia’s most well-liked domain broker

Mike Robertson is hands down one of the most likable professionals in the domain industry. He’s also, in our opinion, the most well-liked domain broker from Australia, due to his eagerness to be helpful towards fresh starters and established domainers alike. As a domain industry professional, Mike’s been around for a good two decades and […]

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Mike Robertson on Michael Gilmour’s Fireside Chat

Domain super-broker, Mike Robertson, has more than 20 years of extensive, hands-on experience in the domain industry. The popular Aussie domainer will be a guest at Michael Gilmour‘s upcoming Fireside Chat via a Zoom call. The event takes place on Tuesday, December 13, 2022 at 5:00pm Eastern Time. Says Michael Gilmour: As part of our […]

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Bitcoin.com.au: Domain sold for $3 million Australian dollars

In 2014, Domenic Carosa spent “just” $60,000 AUD (Australian dollars) and acquired the domain Bitcoin.com.au. Fast forward eight years later, the founder of Banxa.com, a multi-national fintech company, sold it for a massive $3 million AUD; approximately $2 million USD. This marks the biggest sale of a .com.au domain name ever recorded! This fascinating story […]

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#OGIO .com.au : Ballsy Aussie keeps #domain after #UDRP fails on technicalities

A ballsy Australian domainer gets to keep the domain Ogio.com.au, after a UDRP was triggered by a series of increasingly challenging events. Confident of its strong international brand and Australian trademarks, Ogio International Inc, filed a UDRP in order to reclaim the domain. The Complainant operates from Ogio.com. But lets rewind the clock back to […]

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Aussie #domain registry seeks to enforce restrictions to .AU registrations

Apparently auDA, the Australian domain registry, is seeking to enforce a number of restrictions to the .AU namespace. According to the web site Vote.com.au, the Policy Review Panel final report to auDA “includes startling recommendations that stand opposed to the Australian Spirit of enterprise, democracy, entrepreneurialism, and basic common sense.” What are these dramatic changes […]

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AusRegistry : Rebranding to celebrate 30 years of .AU domains

AusRegistry, the Australian domain registry managing the national ccTLD, dot .AU, is rebooting its brand. The change in brand visuals incorporates a star in place of the dot in “.AU” – a brilliant move. Inspiration for the star was sourced from Australia’s national flag, which features them: “The flag of Australia is a defaced Blue […]

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G’day mate, and cheers to 30 years of Aussie domains !

G’day mates! 😀 It’s the 30th year anniversary of the Australian national ccTLD, dot .au this year. According to our records, dot .au went live on March 5th, 1986. Dot .Au was only the 4th ccTLD to be allocated, making Australians proud early adopters of the Internet. Famous Aussie domain industry icons, such as Mike […]

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Australians prepare for the “Death of the .Com”

Australians are passionate about their nationality; the land of the Oz has its own ccTLD: dot .AU. Only problem is, you can’t register domains in .AU directly, you’d have to register a .com.au, which is also restricted to Australians. Australia’s regulatory body for domain names, (auDA), recently announced its 2015 Names Policy Panel proposal. Australian […]

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Australian ISP iiNet sold for $1.4 billion AUS dollars

It’s mergers and acquisitions time Down Under; the latest Australian mega sale is that of established broadband provider, iiNet. TPG Telecom, a Chinese owned corporation in Australia is paying an $8.60 AUS price per share, for the remaining stock of iiNet it does not yet own. The total cost of the acquisition is valued at […]

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Aussie honesty: Fabulous increases prices but only for .net and .org

Australian domain registrar, Fabulous.com, announced that on July 1st the prices go up for registrations and renewals. The reason: both Verisign and PIR, managers of .com/.net and .org TLDs respectively, are making use of their contracts that call for a 7% annual increase. Unlike some other domain registrars, however, Fabulous.com is not raising prices for […]

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Seven figures: Domain Guardians very close to monumental deal for Aussie domains

A seven-figure offer was reportedly made for a portfolio of Australian domain names, under exclusive brokerage by Domain Guardians. Sydney.com.au is among the domains being offered as a package, which is being handled by Mike Robertson, formerly of Fabulous fame. News Limited of Australia states: “Mike Robertson […] confirmed a local media company had made […]

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Cleanfeed Internet filter scrapped: More pr0n for Australians!

The government of Australia has decided to scrap plans for an Internet filtering system, that’d put the Great Firewall of China to shame. The plan – nicknamed “Cleanfeed” – was promoted by the Australian Christian Lobby and Communications Minister, Stephen Conroy. Cleanfeed would protect children from predators and exposure to adult-oriented material over the Internet; […]

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