Mike Robertson: An interview with Australia’s most well-liked domain broker

Mike Robertson is hands down one of the most likable professionals in the domain industry. He’s also, in our opinion, the most well-liked domain broker from Australia, due to his eagerness to be helpful towards fresh starters and established domainers alike. As a domain industry professional, Mike’s been around for a good two decades and […]

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WMC.com: Domain registered in 1994 has dropped—Here’s the back story

Thirty years after its registration in 1994, the domain WMC.com expired and dropped. It’s hard to believe that valuable three letter .com domains enter the availability pool in 2024, even if it’s just to bid on at an auction. WMC.com was in the possession of WMC Resources, an Australian company. Western Mining Corporation is what […]

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Profit: Aussie domainer reports record sales numbers of 3-letter domains

Crikey! It’s raining money Down Under, it seems, as Profit.com.au, an Australian domain investing publication and marketplace shared in recent news. Sales of 3 letter .com.au domain names are approaching record numbers, with May being quite spectacular, apparently. Father and son teamsters, Ned and Luke O’Meara, are thoroughly excited, both for the domain sales numbers […]

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Domain investor won UDRP filed against Ebet.com.au

An Australian domain investor that registered the domain Ebet.com.au in 2021, was hit with a UDRP filed at the WIPO by Intecq Limited, Australia. The Complainant asserted that their right to the EBET mark in 2016 and another fancy mark with EBET in 2009 establish rights in the disputed domain. However, the panelist pointed out […]

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Blimey! Explosive growth of #Aussie domain space in 2022

Strewth, if only Australian domain investors had foreseen the growth of the .au namespace! But Aussie domains did pop up at ludicrous levels last year, with 716,278 new domains in 12 months alone. That’s a growth of 22% across the entire namespace, despite complex policies by auDA that can still be confusing. A new domain […]

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LMG.net.au UDRP denied; it’s the Respondent’s initials, dummy!

Some Australian companies late to the domain game are using the UDRP process as the “Plan B” approach. In the case of the domain name LMG.net.au, the UDRP was filed by Liquor Marketing Group Ltd, claiming rights to the LMG mark in Australia. It seems that they could have known the acronym matched Leo Mark […]

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Scuba.net.au UDRP drowned with Reverse Domain Name Hijacking decision

An Australian domain name, Scuba.net.au, was the subject of a UDRP filed at the WIPO. The domain is generic and used as a forwarder to Underwater.com.au, a web site with diving resources for Australians. That didn’t stop eScuba Pty Limited from filing a UDRP just because at some point one of its officers owned Scuba.com, […]

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Crikey! There’s gold in them .au domain names!

Welcome to Australia, the land of Oz—Down Under! For the past 8 days, new domain names are being allocated to Australians; they are shorter by dropping the “.com” before the “.au” part. It’s now open season, as existing com.au registrants who did not participate in the priority allocation process that ended are coming to find […]

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Defensive domain registrations as a political weapon in Australia

Cybersquatting doesn’t have to be about profit, as Australians are finding out. According to the Australian publication, Western Australia Today, political games are being played alongside an upcoming referendum on introducing indigenous representation to the Australian parliament: Pauline Hanson’s One Nation party is collecting web domains; some explicitly tied to its cause including NoToVoice.com, but […]

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Aussie Crazy Domains pissed off standards committee with edgy video ad

Australian domain registrar, Crazy Domains, is known for its edgy video ads but this time they’ve outdone themselves. Ad Standards of Australia has released the most complained about ads for 2021 in Australia, with over 4,500 complaints and more than 300 advertisements involved. The list, as far as the number of complaints go, was topped […]

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Chinese squatters get “Brisbane 2032” Olympics #domains

Brisbane 2032 – it’s the home of the XXXV Olympiad. With the Tokyo Olympics ante portas, the announcement about Brisbane, Australia, was made today. Brisbane was first announced as the preferred bid on 24 February 2021, gaining the formal approval of the IOC Executive Board. Australia has hosted the Summer Olympic games twice before: in […]

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Aussie firm fails to upgrade brand to BiodiversityAustralia.com.au

An Australian firm filed a UDRP against the domain BiodiversityAustralia.com.au. The Respondent is Biodiversity Solutions Australia Pty Ltd, a company incorporated in Australia. The Respondent was incorporated on May 5, 2015, under the name Zerorisk International Pty Ltd. On July 24, 2017, the Respondent changed its name to Biodiversity Solutions Australia Pty Ltd. Meanwhile, the […]

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