UDRP: A 1994 domain saved with Reverse Domain Name Hijacking decision

The WIPO handled the UDRP between Young Pharmaceuticals, Inc. and Xiaopeng Zhou, registrant of the domain name, registered in 1994. Young Pharmaceuticals claimed that the domain name, identical to their trademark YOUNG, was used in bad faith and sought its transfer. However, the panel found that the Respondent, a domain investor, had no prior […]

Copyright © 2024 · All Rights Reserved. UDRP ends with Reverse Domain Hijacking decision

GigPig Ltd from the UK filed a complaint against Gigpig Inc from Korea over the domain The case was handled in English, despite the Respondent’s request for Korean. GigPig Ltd, established in 2022, argued they had unregistered trademark rights to the name “GIGPIG” through their UK music marketplace. They claimed the domain name was […]

Copyright © 2024 · All Rights Reserved. Reverse Domain Name Hijacking finding in UDRP

A UDRP filed against the aged (1996) domain has been decided at the WIPO. The domain was used in the past to actively provide email services. Complainant is Rocketship AB, a company registered in Sweden, while Respondent is ATTN Domain Inquiries, World Media Group, a company based in the United States. ​The Complainant argues […]

Copyright © 2024 · All Rights Reserved. and UDRP ends with Reverse Domain Name Hijacking finding

Textron Innovations owns the BEECHCRAFT trademark since 1963; they filed a UDRP to get the domains and The Respondent said: Respondent is an FAA-Certified Flight Instructor providing legitimate services for Beechcraft aircraft, including pre-purchase inspections, flight training, and relocation services. The website has a prominent disclaimer clarifying no affiliation with Textron. The domain […]

Copyright © 2024 · All Rights Reserved. NameFind won UDRP with a finding of Reverse Domain Name Hijacking

In a UDRP filed against the domain, the Complainant, SMARTCATCH, failed to prove that the Respondent, NameFind LLC, registered and used it bad faith. The three member Panel at the WIPO found that the Respondent had acquired the domain name before the Complainant had any trademark rights and that “smartcatch” is a generic term. […]

Copyright © 2024 · All Rights Reserved. UDRP led to a finding of Reverse Domain Name Hijacking

Neurocog Pty Ltd, a clinical psychology practice in Australia, filed a UDRP against the domain The Complainant owns trademark registrations for “Neurocog” in Australia and the United States. The WIPO panelist found that the domain name is indeed identical to the Complainant’s trademark and that the Respondent has not demonstrated any rights or legitimate […]

Copyright © 2024 · All Rights Reserved. UDRP ends with a finding of Reverse Domain Name Hijacking

Aromatech, Ltd., Canada, filed a UDRP to get the domain from its registrant, who acquired it in 2005. The domain’s acquisition predates the date of the Complainant’s mark registration of AROMATECH in 2009, thus leading the WIPO panelist to deny the transfer, emphasizing that fact: “The Panel considers that, in all the circumstances, the […]

Copyright © 2024 · All Rights Reserved. UDRP ends with a finding of Reverse Domain Name Hijacking

Daily Workout Apps LLC filed a UDRP to usurp the domain, citing a trademark for the term DAILY WORKOUTS obtained in 2012. The Respondent, however, pointed out that the Complainant’s mark is registered on the Secondary Register at the USPTO—essentially a self-signed mark, as opposed to one being on the Primary Register. Conveniently, they […]

Copyright © 2024 · All Rights Reserved. UDRP ends with Reverse Domain Name Hijacking finding

The UDRP filed against the domain name has ended with the domain transfer’s refusal by the WIPO panel. Furthermore, the sole panelist at the WIPO found that the Complainant engaged in Reverse Domain Name Hijacking. Lifeware SA, Switzerland, failed to prove that it has prior rights to the mark as the domain was registered […]

Copyright © 2024 · All Rights Reserved. UDRP: Aged domain’s Dutch registrant won with a finding of Reverse Domain Name Hijacking

Thirty years after its registration in 1994, the domain name was hit with a UDRP. Prior to the UDRP, Dutch company Euronet Internet, operating these days as, was approached by the Complainant, US-based Euronet Worldwide, Inc., to acquire the domain for $30,000 dollars. Upon being told by the registrant that they would seek […]

Copyright © 2024 · All Rights Reserved. UDRP slaps Turkish Complainant with a Reverse Domain Name Hijacking finding

The UDRP filed against the domain name by a Turkish agricultural company ended with a major victory for the Respondent. Toros means “bulls” in Spanish. Registered in 1997, is associated with the Spanish Respondent’s family business since then. The Complainant claimed that the Spain-based Respondent has no rights to the domain, when in […]

Copyright © 2024 · All Rights Reserved. UDRP ends up with a Reverse Domain Name Hijacking decision

The UDRP filed against the domain name by Fresh Brandz LLC did not have a great outcome for the Complainant. The domain was registered in 2008 and the stylization of “kids” as “kidz” is not unique to the Complainant’s mark. Other supportive points were presented by the Respondent’s attorney, Jason Schaeffer of A […]

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