Waterland.com UDRP: Another win for John Berryhill as dispute is denied

The disputed domain name Waterland.com is registered with Spaceship, Inc. (the “Registrar”). ​The Complainant, Waterland Private Equity Investments B.V., holds trademark registrations for the WATERLAND mark in multiple jurisdictions, including Benelux, Germany, Switzerland, and the European Union. ​ The Respondent, Emerson Alvarado, and Paytotake LLC acquired the disputed domain name at a Namejet auction for […]

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DailyWorkouts.com: UDRP ends with a finding of Reverse Domain Name Hijacking

Daily Workout Apps LLC filed a UDRP to usurp the domain DailyWorkouts.com, citing a trademark for the term DAILY WORKOUTS obtained in 2012. The Respondent, however, pointed out that the Complainant’s mark is registered on the Secondary Register at the USPTO—essentially a self-signed mark, as opposed to one being on the Primary Register. Conveniently, they […]

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Because.com: British company failed to get generic domain because …

OEE Ltd, United Kingdom, believed they were entitled to the aged domain Because.com, because they owned the domain in the past. Also, because they didn’t renew the domain, it was auctioned off and the Respondent acquired it. The Respondent gets to keep the domain, because they acquired it in the same way that the Complainant […]

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Transco.com UDRP: Attorney John Berryhill goes against a train—Who won?

Attorney John Berryhill scored another victory, this time against a train company, Transco Railway Products Inc., that filed a UDRP to usurp the domain Transco.com. The decision by a three member panel at the WIPO was unanimous: “The Panel has considered and found unconvincing the Complainant’s argument that the Respondent’s use of a privacy service […]

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John Berryhill wins UDRP on behalf of Respondent in Pitstop.com case

Distribuidora Automotiva S.A., Brazil filed a UDRP to usurp the aged, premium domain Pitstop.com. They probably believed it’d be an easy case; they hold the trademark PIT STOP AUTO CENTER since 2002 and the matching domain, Pitstop.com.br since 1997. Meanwhile, the Respondent provided evidence that he registered the domain in 1994 on behalf of his […]

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Credable.com: UDRP decision a victory for Respondent & another one for John Berryhill

The registrant of the domain Credable.com acquired it at an auction for $5,044 dollars. The domain is now listed for sale for $1,000,000 dollars on Afternic. Equentia SCF Technologies Private Limited, India, claimed rights to the CREDABLE mark which allegedly enjoys fame not just in India, but also in Singapore, Indonesia, and the United Arab […]

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Malo.com: Italian Complainant fails “bad” UDRP with Reverse Domain Name Hijacking finding

MALO S.p.A. is an Italian company that believed it’d be cool to challenge the ownership of the domain Malo.com; its registrant’s last name being Malo. With malo meaning “bad” in Spanish, it’s no wonder the case delivered a refusal of the domain’s transfer. The WIPO panelist was clear: The Panel believes that the Complainant should […]

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Here’s what not to do with your .AI domain names

If you own .AI domains, congratulations. The fastest-growing ccTLD with generic qualities per Google, is a magnet for domain investors and companies alike. Some companies will thumb their noses at the matching .com, opting for the .ai domain even when the .com is made available! That being said, there are a few things that you […]

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LivingEdge.com: UDRP decision marks another victory for John Berryhill

Living Edge Pty Ltd, an Australian retailer of designer furniture, filed a complaint against Kawing Chiu, an individual based in the United States, regarding the disputed domain name LivingEdge.com, registered in 2005. The Respondent was represented by IP attorney, John Berryhill. Living Edge Pty Ltd has a history dating back to around 2000, providing designer […]

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Demoji.com UDRP ends up with Reverse Domain Name Hijacking decision

When you file a UDRP against a domain registered in 2012, you’d better be in the possession of a more senior mark. In the case of Demoji.com, however, Mr. Patrick Schur of Switzerland filed a UDRP on the basis of a mark he acquired in 2019. There would be no way for the Registrant to […]

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RedFig.com: Complainant choked on fruit domain defended by domainer!

Domain investor Bill Patterson served a sweet, juicy fruit to the Complainant of a UDRP involving the domain RedFig.com. Simply put, the domain is put together from two dictionary words and describe a “red fig” more than anything else. Meanwhile, Redfig LLC asserted rights to the domain because of a trademark that they registered in […]

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Beds.com UDRP: Complainant failed to catch WIPO panel asleep

The domain name Beds.com became the subject of a UDRP filed by Sleep Number Corporation. The company asserted that the domain was used by them from 2000 to 2018 but then someone allegedly stole it. After it became obvious that the Respondent didn’t steal the domain but rather won it via a Sedo auction which […]

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