#Brands and the #Coronavirus: Online threats are turning viral with #domains

The Coronavirus pandemic is creating additional headaches for popular brands, with the registration of domain names.

Thousands of domain names latching onto the pandemic are being registered. Those that resolve to active web sites, may offer brand knockoffs, that can hurt a company’s image.

For example an influx of fake 3M masks from China, fake Covid-19 test kits, and other products infringing on manufacturer’s known products.

Why does it matter to brands? A new report explains just that:

“Registering a domain and creating an associated website is quick, simple, and essentially unregulated. This provides a range of opportunities for any would-be infringer and, as our findings have shown, can pose a variety of risks for internet users.

Where physical products are being sold, the items could be manufactured using sub-standard materials, or without rigorous quality checks. Consumers run the risk that products may not just be ineffective, but actually harmful.

Many of the identified eCommerce sites offered products using known and trusted brand names. The risk of these being counterfeit is one reason why brand owners should pay close attention to the developing landscape, and take appropriate enforcement action to protect their customers and their reputation.”

Brands owners should monitor domain registrations that infringe on their brands and products, producing and selling counterfeits via the genuine brand’s credibility.

Read the report, titled “Coronavirus Online Threats Going Viral, Part 1: Domain Names.

Hat tip: Eddie Sixto.

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One Response to “#Brands and the #Coronavirus: Online threats are turning viral with #domains”
  1. BullS says:

    “an influx of fake 3M masks from China”

    Hopefully, all medical supplies will be Made in USA. I am willing to pay more money for the Made in USA products, for safety
    and for national security.
    Money is not an issue when comes to Medical.

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