BREAKING: Hank Alvarez reacts to Monte Cahn lawsuit against Oversee

Hank Alvarez was once the most notorious sniper at Snapnames, under the 'halvarez' moniker.

These days Hank Alvarezthe former VP at Snapnames – keeps a low profile, away from the domainer limelight.

Having taken a sabbatical to the Himalayas last year, Hank Alvarez returned a better man – according to him, at least.

Hank Alvarez, notorious for masterminding a series of shill bids when he ran the Snapnames bidding platform is now offering domain consultation and brokering services.

In his latest press release, he states:

[…] Our domain industry needs peace and harmony. I personally found it when I visited the Himalayas last year, to rediscover myself and flush out all the evil deeds. For this, I am grateful to my family and friends.

Now, a lawsuit will most certainly involve lawyers – and they will definitely fight a good fight against each other – but how much money will dear Monte Cahn receive in the end? Is it really worth the aggravation for a few millions? […]

Read the full statement of Hank Alvarez about Monte Cahn’s lawsuit against Oversee at his official web site,

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3 Responses to “BREAKING: Hank Alvarez reacts to Monte Cahn lawsuit against Oversee”
  1. BullS says:

    WOW a snake shedding its skin after the Himalayas trip.

  2. Lucius "Guns" Fabrice says:

    BullS – I see no snake, you mean a dragon? 😀

  3. Dave says:

    Why is Hank not doing some time in some lovely “government institution”.

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