The Department of Telecom in India, recently ordered the blocking of several large web sites, such as The Pirate Bay, and even Vimeo.
Large Internet providers in India are thus instructed to block these web sites and display the following message instead:
“This site has been blocked as per instructions from Department of Telecom (DOT) .”
Domainer Jay Mahal from DesigningTips sent us the following screenshot, showing that is being blocked in India as well!
We were able to independently confirm that the blocking of BuyDomains in India is real, by using the proxy IP (port 80) located in India.
Meanwhile, as many as 600 million people are left without power for the better part of the day today in India, due to failure of the power grid to sustain its efficiency.
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Really old news: is blocked as well
Says it all, govt is too busy trying to control the populace yet unable to deliver basic services.
Kate – India has great energy resources but it’s culturally divided, with lots of government corruption.
Its impossible to stop curruption till 90+% literary rate.
Govt is doing na Thing here, But stupid indians are happy with that,
Indian Govt collect vote’s by Giving Them a Water Handpump, Thats enough.
Corruption is like an incurable cancer – once it sets in there’s little you can do about it – Haile Miriam Mengistu tried shooting any corrupt official and it still didn’t work.
So India – and everywhere else – will have to wait for forced brain implants of all public servants and then… “This brain has been blocked as per instructions from Department of Naughty Thought Control for Happiness Always(DONTCHA) .”