Chinese domain sales : Another Black Monday ahead for China?

Domain sales Made in China.

Domain sales Made in China.

The Chinese stock market has been open for a short while on Monday, and along with other Asian stock markets they follow a sell-off trend.

We follow the trends of the Chinese domain market in parallel, and provide you with a list of recent sales of short domains among the Chinese.

While there are plenty of indications of a bear market ahead for China, certain domain commodities such as three letter .com domains don’t seem to have been affected so far, and sales remain strong.

China’s massive economy has pushed many investors from stocks to domains, and there are indications that domain names are being used as “cash mules” to export wealth out of China.

Here are today’s list of short domains, a rather limited bunch. Some info provided by, a Chinese domain market tracker.

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4 Responses to “Chinese domain sales : Another Black Monday ahead for China?”
  1. Rich says:

    Here’s why i think the Chinese are NOT using domain names as “cash mules”

    Why should they buy a domain name for $50k and risk that money when the domain could also go down in value when they could buy a domain name like ” QXBYC.COM ” for $8 registered and then resell it to himself for $ 50k and loose the $8 and some possible escrow fees.
    They could buy and still resell it to himself nobody in China will check for the quality of the Domain for the money transfer.
    Now, if you see that someone buying a domain name like i mention above (low quality) for $50k THEN i would say they are transferring money out of China.

    No,I think the Chinese are buying domain names for pure investment.

  2. DomainGang says:

    Rich – Sounds great. Now read this article about how it’s actually done.

  3. Rich says:

    Gang ,
    I read it when it first came out.
    “Sovereign Man” who wrote the post does not know all the ins and outs of the domain industry like we do.
    Like i mention above you don’t need to buy an to transfer money out of China all you need is a reg. fee domain to do that.

  4. DomainGang says:

    Rich – That’s why an artificial domain market (LLLL etc) had to be created first. China’s officials aren’t dumb. A reg fee domain existing on its own does not offer the same amount or type of cash vessel security and such transactions can be easily disseminated.

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