Spam scum: Chinese registrar IISP.HK sends out .XYZ spam to harvested WHOIS emails!

Two years ago, the Chinese domain registrar IISP.HK (NiceNIC) casually copied two dozen DomainGang articles verbatim. After we complained, they took that content down.

Today, they sent out a spam email, promoting $2 dollar .XYZ domains to email addresses directly harvested from the WHOIS information of domains.

According to Japan-stationed domain investor, David J. Walker, in Japan and China, domain registrants don’t really care about the actual TLD; they will register .CN, .co.JP, .CC, .info or .biz as long as it’s cheap; the .XYZ Registry is clearly taking advantage of that mentality by offering .XYZ domains at below cost.

That’s their prerogative, and while this is an easy way to play the numbers game, the spamming methods of IISP.HK are definitely unethical and downright despicable. The XYZ Registry needs to immediately disassociate themselves from spamming domain registrars like IISP.HK and to denounce that activity.

No matter how driven the .XYZ Registry is to achieve their goal of 1 million .XYZ registrations, spamming is not something we take lightly. Domain spammers are among the lowest scum of any industry, and domaining in particular.

Here’s the spamming email from IISP.HK below:



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2 Responses to “Spam scum: Chinese registrar IISP.HK sends out .XYZ spam to harvested WHOIS emails!”
  1. SpamAndScam says:

    Makes me ashamed to go by the title of SpamAndScam

  2. robsta says:

    At least its easy to filter! Anything ~From~ “.xyz” goes straight to the trash!

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