Rust Consulting, the same company that managed the payouts for the fallout stemming from the Hank Alvarez “SnapNames” scandal, is handling yet another class action lawsuit.
This time around, it involves LCD screens, televisions, flat panels and laptops.
According to the web site at
“Eligible consumers and businesses in 24 states and the District of Columbia may be able to collect $25, $100, $200 or more by answering a few simple questions about the LCD flat screen TVs, monitors, and laptops they bought from 1999 to 2006.”
The states are: Arizona, Arkansas, California, Florida, Hawaii, Iowa, Kansas, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Nevada, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Rhode Island, South Dakota, Tennessee, Vermont, West Virginia and Wisconsin.
The only snag: the deadline for filing your own claim, is tomorrow – December 6, 2012.
Woohoo! 😀
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Sneaky bastard , less people filing so they can have more money in their pocket and less to pay out.
BullS – How many such devices did you buy between 1999 and 2006? The class action lawsuit is about the manufacturers conspiring to fix prices. I’d say, I ended up paying $75 – $150 more per device and a dozen would be a conservative number in my case.
DG- by now you should know where and what I really “BUY” as my needs and wants are totally different from the normal consumers.
The only prize possession I own and I absolutely cannot live without is the reliable 15yrs old Sony rice cooker.
While it is cooking the jasmine rice, it is hook up to a UPS systems that what was recommended:
BullS – That link was probably written by an idiot! I’m not even clicking on it.
By “pressurized rice cooker”, do you mean your wife? 😀
Someone please tell that idiot guy to own a dot com and
he has a sneaky slimy eyes of a snake.
Please shave the eyebrow.
BullS – is probably available.
Onto the subject of the LCD lot, how many televisions have you bought since 1999?
On the subject of “wife”- my partner and I wanted to be the 1st to register tonite but some damn lesbian beat us to it so we decided not to get married and become STRAIGHT instead.
I am very happy with my 13″ Black and White- the ears are still working.
There are some shows like Mork and Mindy, Welcome back Koter, all in the family are best viewed via BW tv.