Domain brokers igloo: Partnering with Supercuts was the right thing to do

According to Forbes magazine, the new trend for 2014 is asynchronous business convergence: the collaborative merger of companies that share little in terms of business focus.

Domain super-brokers igloo, formerly, DomainAdvisors, is embarking on one such partnership with Supercuts, the hair styling services company.

Jothan Frakes - Last chance to chicken out.

Jothan Frakes – Last chance to chicken out.

The deal was sealed the day following the WaterNight event during NamesCon; an event that delivered more than $111,000 in pledged donations.

“We were impressed by the precision and finesse that senior broker, Amanda Waltz, performed a close buzzing of Jothan Frakes’s stubborn hair with,” said Supercuts spokesperson, Kim Trimm.

“Our goal through this business deal is to provide a range of services, including domain brokering services at Supercuts, something that’s never attempted before at malls across America,” added Trimm.

As a service to its current and future customers, igloo will deliver discounts to all Supercuts services, ranging from a free pedicure to almost 75% off the price of a hipster haircut.

“Amanda is a grand example of how seriously we take business at igloo,” said Gregg McNair, chairman and co-founder of igloo.

“She is a top broker, and will receive her certification as a cosmetologist through this business convergence,” added McNair, who buzzes his own hair.

The igloo-Supercuts deal is expected to generate as much as $25 million dollars in new business during 2014, and a projected growth of 25% annually.

Congratulations to Amanda Waltz and igloo for sealing the deal! More pictures from WaterNight below.

Amanda Waltz begins the task.

Amanda Waltz begins the task.

Jothan surrenders.

Jothan surrenders.

Jothan in a Dr. Evil impersonation.

Jothan in a Dr. Evil impersonation.

The deed is almost done.

The deed is almost done.

Another happy customer!

Another happy customer!

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