Domain data: Updated gTLD totals for February 21, 2014

There are many ways to gauge the performance of new gTLDs, but the best way is to track their absolute numbers.

The first group of gTLDs went into landrush less than three weeks ago, and thousands of domains have been registered since.

Somehow, one cannot possibly believe these are all registrations made by domain investors, although some did see the light and started investing in gTLDs with reselling in mind.

We’ll be keeping track of such numbers as often as possible; here is the current data as of today, sorted by the number of registrations.

.guru 36735
.photography 21034
.today 7782
.bike 7528
.clothing 7363
.technology 6639
.gallery 6023
.estate 5073
.singles 5055
.directory 5053
.land 5028
.equipment 4514
.ventures 4031
.graphics 3035
.plumbing 3001
.lighting 2907
.holdings 2879
.camera 2390
.construction 2232
.contractors 1909
.kitchen 1611
TOTAL 141,822
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3 Responses to “Domain data: Updated gTLD totals for February 21, 2014”
  1. speculatr says:

    How many .com, .net, and .org in the same period?

  2. Vidfies says:

    Love to read the results in one year’s time

  3. Aaron Strong says:

    .Guru Master teacher, please tell us how you stay atop??…What must you do to stay on top Master .Guru?? Master .Guru are you concerned younger New G’s may soon take your spot? Oh Master .Guru, thank you………lol……….

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