It’s tough times for a part time domain investor; the Minnesota farmer and father of five is facing the industry’s tight squeeze.
Dumping a couple of domains once in a while is something most domain investors do with their domain portfolios. It’s called “weed and feed” your domains, and even the Domain King, Rick Schwartz, does it.
Bobby Dumbit is letting go of 12,000 domain names per day – every day, for the past six months.
“Well, I kinda sorta overestimated how fast these domains would sell, bought a bunch of them,” says Bobby Dumbit, making the farm’s rounds on his John Deere.
“They said, buy .CC and buy .WS and that six and seven digit numerics are the future, what a load of horse shit!” exclaims Dumbit.
Thousands of NNNNNN .com and NNNNNNN .com domains that were registered during the peak of the Chinese market are now being dropped, as China’s investors switched from domains to crypto.
Data from zone files show once “premium” numeric domains being abandoned. Some, are getting picked up by neo-foolish domainers that are still being sold a digital pipe dream.
“If I could go back in time I’d invest my money in more cows making more milk instead of useless domains,” says Bobby Dumbit, adding: “It’s my fault for listening to the horse shit speech on blogs – from now on I’ll only trust the Domain King!”
If you have any NNNNN .com or shorter, you are safe – for now.
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