Pakistani domain broker, Ahmed Abdul-Al Charmz, came forth via his LinkedIn account today, to defend himself against accusations of being a domain “front-runner.”
“I no front run, and who say that is costing me clients, bad words! In honest Allah, domain offer is righteous, and honest Allah know I no front man run, do business honest” exclaimed the Pakistani domain broker.
Accusations of Ahmed Abdul-Al Charmz jumping in to jeopardize a domain sale were made known earlier this week. Legendary domain investor, Lou Pottener, engaged in an online exchange of words with British domain investor, Randy Tooth.
When things escalated, Pottener asserted that a “Pakistani front-runner” was affecting his ability to close on the acquisition of a premium domain, which eventually Tooth bought from the seller.
“I’ll get this damn mofo any way I can, and trust me, he’ll get what’s coming for him, rest assured, front-running is a disease and I am the cure!” said Pottener, on Twitter.
Domain investors are advised to check the background and claims of a successful sales record for all domain brokers reaching out.
Meanwhile, Pottener and Tooth made up, dropping their differences and enjoying giant grilled calamari and octopus over drinks in Ibiza, where they both flew in for the day.
“I know I called Randy out too harsh of a name – I usually reserve “fuckface” for the lowest of scum – and we’re all good now, as long as he doesn’t try to cross me in the future!” said Lou Pottener, smiling.
Randy Tooth responded with a typically British remark of “Splendid, old chap, cheerio!” and raised his bottle of Estrella Damm.
It’s great seeing domain investors making up after a nasty quarrel that benefits no-one in the domain community! 😀
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