Domains 2.0 : Verisign extends length, adds underscore in names

Don't worry about earthquakes, Verisign keeps the Internet running like a Swiss clock.

Verisign is expanding the length and girth of its domains.

Verisign, the managers of dot .com and .net domain names announced the expansion of the aged domain system, introducing two new important features.

Aiming at improving both the length and the girth of domain size, Verisign’s implementation of “Domain 2.0” is a masterpiece of efficient coding.

“We expanded the domain microcode and its com/net core variant, by shortening the data loops inside the main procedure, then utilized the stack to push return values so that it’s compatible with modern web browser technologies, such as HTML5 and JumboScript,” said lead Verisign domain programmer, Frankus Toblatz.

“The end result is a total of 256 characters in length for all domains, and the introduction of the ever-important underscore,” added Toblatz.

Such actual expansion in the dot .com and dot .net realm will give Verisign the advantage over gTLD registries that have been gobbling up market share with the introduction of over 1,000 gTLDs.

“Our domain microcode is by far superior, it’s like comparing a Porsche and a VW Golf. They are both German but one is not made in Mexico, guess which one!” exclaimed Toblatz.

By expanding the length of dot .com and dot .net domains and adding the underscore as a valid character, a new generation of Really Really Long Tail Domains (RRLTD) are anticipated to flood the market by Christmas.

It’s a win-win situation for Verisign and the promoters of future trends and long tail domain names.

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One Response to “Domains 2.0 : Verisign extends length, adds underscore in names”
  1. says:

    Adding the underscore character will cause a rush of sales for short and premium keyword domain names. When is this coming into affect?

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