Every savvy domain investor knows the #1 rule of domaining: All the good .com domains are taken.
After more than two decades of commercial Internet, the most coveted .com domains are in the hands of “domain squatters.”
Ahem. Well, you know, we like calling them investors.
Jeff Lofvers is a game developer who likes to make cool stuff. He’s also a comic artist, who enjoys drawing things “old school,” with pen and paper. He then scans and colorizes these comics on his computer, and uploads them to his web comic website.
Don’t Hit Save is an awesome web comic produced by Jeff, as a creative output since last year; that’s where we found a recent “gem” referencing domain names.
With Jeff’s permission, we share it below.

Don’t Hit Save – By Jeff Lofvers.
I have spent hours myself trying to find a .com for a website. The last time I looked through .com’s first and then developed the website.
Wow how did that happen? ……..StickTooL.com is much worse
The cartoon is absolutely correct. The new gtlds are all stupid and no one wants them.
Walter – I would not call 16 million new gTLDs exactly “stupid.” A cartoon delivers humor. Take it for what it is.
The public in the U. S. doesn’t have much of an idea what the new gTLD’s are. They only know .com, .net, .org. I do see when I drive around the city some .info, .us and a small amount of .biz and that is it. I am seeing more .us being used by companies in my area.
GoBuy – there are plenty of new gTLDs in the wild, and some we reported can be found at http://domaingang.com/tag/non-com-domains/