Elon.Horse is a real domain about an Elon Musk “horse” offer

Tesla’s founder and CEO, Elon Musk, expanded on his notoriety in recent weeks after offering $44 billion dollars to acquire Twitter.

The multi-billionaire Musk and richest man in the world often uses his fan base to troll via Twitter, a social media platform with a liberal bias. Elon Musk presents himself as a free speech advocate but in recent days he’s aligning more with the conservatives.

Whether the Twitter deal goes through or not that’s still to be decided; in the meantime, a new scandal is brewing after a SpaceX flight attendant said Elon Musk allegedly propositioned her during a flight, exposing his genitals. The allegations involved Musk’s offering of a horse to the hippophile stewardess. She allegedly settled for $250,000 dollars in exchange for dropping any claims.

The incident created a trending meme with Elon Musk’s handling of a horse and subsequently someone registered the domain name Elon.horse and pointed it to news media about the Elon Musk “horse” offer.

Additionally, the domain name ElonHorse.com was registered as well. It’s possible that these two domains about Elon and the horse were registered by the same individual.

Elon.horse – Photo by Helena Lopes on Unsplash

The dot .horse gTLD has approximately 4,500 registered domain names, according to ntldstats.

We aren’t sure if these domains will be offered to Elon Musk to acquire but the Tesla CEO promised that an elite legal team is “under construction” at Tesla, to deal with future attacks on the company.

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One Response to “Elon.Horse is a real domain about an Elon Musk “horse” offer”
  1. BullS says:

    “$44 billion dollars to acquire Twitter.”

    Should be given to Ukraine Armed Forces to F the ruthless Russian Army off the planet

    Glory to Ukraine Glory to Ukraine Glory to Ukraine!
    Long live Ukraine
    Long Live Ukraine
    Long Live Ukraine!!!!

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