Like many other Europeans, Helga von Shubert combined her US vacation with business.

Dutch Cougars invade DomainFest New York!
The 45 year old Dutch domain entrepreneur from Utrecht visited New York – along with her two girlfriends, and is attending DomainFest.
“We thought this good opportunity, meet with businessmen from America, have drinks yes? And do business, and have a nice fun adult time and relax yes?”, says Helga smiling with Hollywood-white teeth and wearing red lipstick.
“With euro being strong is easy find nice American men willing to do domains and do other adult fun like used in Holland, yes? We are sophisticated women with money and know how spend it!”
Helga stands an impressive 6ft tall, which is not a rarity in Europe these days. Holland boasts the tallest average population in Europe, taller than the Swedes.
As she walks around the halls of DomainFest with her two friends, the all-blonde trio is sipping on cocktails and scouting the area.
DomainFest New York brings top talent to its one-day networking event, including local domain investors such as Tony Kanakaris, Elliot Silver and Nick Spanos. The New Yorker trio is having a blast.
“Check those three women out, that’s unholy! Po, po re malaka!”, says Nick, pointing with his beer to the direction of the Dutch women; his personal portfolio of more than 10,000 domains never looked healthier.
There are a lot of networking opportunities during DomainFest, including business. But as the cocktail party begins tonight, New York City life takes over and then anything goes!
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These are some impressive-looking attendants, I should have gone too LMAO
Thats disgusting. No man should be with a woman more than a couple of years his senior.
Oinga boing and the hotel key card!!!!!
Simon – Dutch women look impressive, don’t they?
Mike – The perfect age difference is 10 years: when the man is 25, the woman should be 35 😀 When the man is 35, the woman must be 25 😀
Nick – DomainFest kicks ass 😀
Great women, great domains, what more does one need? 🙂
Yummy Yummy Blondes