Facebook copied its Rooms from Room, a private social network app

This Room is not Facebook's.

This Room is not Facebook’s.

Launched to much fanfare, Facebook Rooms attempts to bring back the 90’s, introducing “chatrooms” where users interact presumably anonymously, using nicknames instead of their real names.

Facebook is using the domain Rooms.me to promote its product, and the Montenegrin ccTLD Registry saw this as a great endorsement of their product.

Apparently Facebook ran out of original ideas and is simply copying those of others: The creators of the Room app for iOS devices, are crying foul, and the company’s co-founder, Damien Rottemberg, made this statement:

“We don’t know what happened, if something was leaked from VCs we were talking to that are very connected with Facebook, if it’s from high Facebook executives that we have on our Facebook friend’s list, friends of friends working at Facebook, or someone at Facebook that saw our app and thought it was cool enough to copy. We’re sure this is not a coincidence. We don’t understand how Facebook, with all their lawyers, could have released an app with the same name and features. We won’t let this happen and we want to defend all entrepreneurs with great ideas and great visions.”

Clearly some questions that Facebook will have to address pretty soon, as the similarities between Room and Rooms are far too many.

For the full coverage on this issue, click here.

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