Greetings and salutations, my domainer brothers and sisters – this is Father Domainicus celebrating Easter Sunday 2020.
Many a domainer faithful have asked me about the true meaning of Easter Sunday for our Domain Church.
The essence of our religious convergence is to bring men and women of faith together in the spiritual plane. Alas, our physical proximity has been sacrificed, albeit temporarily, due to the Coronavirus onslaught.
I believe that if we collectively wash our hands and our brains, we’ll overcome this terrible impact that a virus has brought onto our domain investing society. By “virus” I make a reference to ICANN and its satanic interventions against .COM and .ORG registrants.
My domainer children, our Domain Lord declared the tribulations that we’ll be enduring, when He stated in Domainclessiastes 3:22 the following:
“Behold the son of God delivering the resurrection from pain and suffering, and the conquering of satan’s minions; I am the alpha and the omega, the beginning and the end.”
What a phenomenal allegory of our times!
It is clear in the Domain Lord’s message that “satan’s minions” is the Coronavirus and how it shall be conquered by the faithful.
If you are a busy domain investor, I implore you to take some time and pray today, and also to encourage everyone to vote out Donald Trump in November.
I leave you with a virtual hug and an airkiss to both of your cheeks, until our next rendezvous.
~ Father Domainicus
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Please wear a mask Father and a good trim on the beard is warranted.
Now go wash your hands.