CBS 60 Minutes: #NameFind is about to ask all the!

President Donald Trump has leaked the CBS 60 Minutes interview footage – all 38 minutes of it – claiming that its “tough questions” were not originally agreed upon. Trump was interviewed by correspondent Lesley Stahl, who conducted the interview at the White House. Apparently, Donald Trump expected the interview to be a soft, public relations […]

Copyright © 2024 · All Rights Reserved. : How a valuable #domain aids the fight against #Covid19

The domain was registered in March by a domain aficionado, who actually developed their important registration into an aid against Covid19. Sean Markey witnessed his newly registered domain go viral, getting over one million page views in 7 days. Says Sean in a newly released article: Sunday night, March 8th, I bought the name […]

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#Domain sightings : delivered free #Coronavirus protection masks and hand sanitizer!

Domain sightings are random (or planned) encounters with domain names in the physical realm. We categorize them into .com sightings, and then there’s everything else. This time around we came across the official domain for the OCFL – the Orange County Government in Florida – that operates from the domain name The .net was […]

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#Covid19 : Trump Death Clock surpasses 50,000

Covid-19 is hurting the US economy, but the human loss is bigger. Until today, more than 1.5 million confirmed cases in the US have resulted in an unprecedented loss of human life. More than 90,000 people have died in the US, and more than half are being attributed to president Donald Trump‘s lack of timely […]

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Dot .Blows registry to increase #domain fees 10-fold in 2020

It’s “going against the grain” for controversial new gTLD Registry, dot .Blows. The startup funded by MIT and Princeton dropouts announced that they are increasing base fees for domain names in 2020, tenfold. “Coronavirus has caused a lot of collateral damage in the industry, and we aren’t going to just lay down and suck it […]

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#CentralNic announced the waiving of RGP fees for expired #domain names

CentralNic announced that it has made available an RGP Restore Fee Waiver Program, in support of registrants facing financial or other difficulties due to the Coronavirus pandemic. The fee is paid when an expired domain is past its grace period, and the Registry imposes a restore fee that can be quite sizable – up to […]

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Father Domainicus : #Domain sermon on this special #Easter 2020

Greetings and salutations, my domainer brothers and sisters – this is Father Domainicus celebrating Easter Sunday 2020. Many a domainer faithful have asked me about the true meaning of Easter Sunday for our Domain Church. The essence of our religious convergence is to bring men and women of faith together in the spiritual plane. Alas, […]

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#Epidemic .com : Yet another mass disease #domain up for sale

Domain investors should be familiar by now with two Greek words related to disease: Epidemic and pandemic. There’s a third one, endemic, that describes the initial stages of the Covid-19 virus, that started as a local disease in Wuhan, China. The matching .com domains are extremely synced with current news, as the Coronavirus moved outside […]

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Father Domanicus : A holy message to all #domainers on Palm Sunday

Greetings and salutations, my beloved brothers and sisters in domaining – this is Father Domainicus on a rainy day here in Florida. A lot of New Yorkers have been arriving to the friendly Sunshine State in recent days. The Coronavirus pandemic is ousting those poor souls and where else to go to, when Florida has […]

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It looks like Media Options owns the premium #domain name

A month ago, we noted how the domain would soon be making headlines. As a matter of fact, we raised our concerns about NamesCon 2020 taking place in late January, again using the word “pandemic” as a cautionary reference. At the time, some domain investors laughed and downplayed our concerns. Others, such as Drew […]

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#Sedo @ Home : #Domain industry operations in the era of the #Coronavirus

Three weeks ago, Sedo moved its staff from offices to 100% home-based operations. Planning began as early as in January, and the popular domain industry company who is also our sponsor, has been reaping the results of its careful planning every since. This unprecedented transition to 100% home office activities required careful planning and execution […]

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RRSG : #ICANN group advising registrars to focus on all new #Coronavirus #domains

RrSG is the Registrar Stakeholder Group within ICANN. Citing current domain registration trends involving terms related to the Coronavirus pandemic, the group has shared its guidelines in a document titled, “Registrar approaches to the COVID-19Crisis.” Says the ICANN document: “Given the severity of the current global COVID-19 pandemic and in view of potentialmalicious registration of […]

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