Father Martin Sardinale: Abstain from Domaining on Sunday

Domainers should be less sinful by abstaining from domaining on Sundays

Domainers should be less sinful by abstaining from domaining on Sundays

The message was heard loud and clear in the small church of Madonna di Garotto, in Little Napoli, New York; it was a message that surprised many parishioners of this small community of Italian heritage: domaining is a sin – when practiced on a Sunday.

Father Martin Sardinale, the lead priest of the church pointed a stern finger towards the few among the congregation who proclaim to be domainers.

“The Lord practiced rest on the seventh day of His creation of the world. Where in the Bible is it mentioned that men must work labors of profit and arrogance? This domaining is a multi-million money-maker that violates the word of our Lord. It must stop – never on Sunday!”

Several people gasped and the murmur that followed was silenced soon after by Father Sardinale who raised his voice further.

“Sinners! Yes, brothers and sisters in Jesus, but sinners still, that our Lord does not want nor need in His House! No more domain registrations during my sermon! No iPhone checking of the WHOIS information – Holy Communion will be denied to those that violate the will of the Lord!”

At that point, Michele Castaniotti, Jiovanni DiAlexandrini and Maria Bianca Riggatoni – all outspoken domainers – walked out of the church. Members of their immediate families acted visibly distraught; a few old ladies cussed in Italian while the city mayor, Roberto DiAngeli responded:

Hypocricy? Father Martin Sardinale runs a full-fledged eBusiness on eBay

Hypocricy? Father Martin Sardinale runs a full-fledged eBusiness on eBay

“Si, padre. This is inexcusable, Madonna mia! La famiglia will not tolerate this monstrosity of domaining on the holy day of Sunday. I will not make an offa to anyone in my office, if they break the Law of our Lord, capice?”

So far, it is not certain how the measure will be enforced; some expect a system that blocks mobile communications to be installed within the premises of the church. Others hope that Father Sardinale will reconsider, especially since he owns several successful web sites himself, selling relics of saints and food items in the shape of Jesus & Madonna on eBay.

“As long as noone confesses their domaining addiction and sin, there will be little forgiveness from our Church”, exclaimed the priest, after the end of the Sunday mass. Accosted by brothers Luigi and Mario Podcasti, he drove off to attend an online webinar on the sins of the new technologies & social media, sponsored by the Holy See’s representatives.

Devout Christians that want to participate can easily follow @Jesus – on twitter.

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2 Responses to “Father Martin Sardinale: Abstain from Domaining on Sunday”
  1. Tia Wood says:

    LOL. Registering during church on the iPhone. hehe!

  2. Lucius "Guns" Fabrice says:

    Be glad you don’t belong to the congregation of Madonna di Garotto – posting comments on a domain news web site on a Sunday? That’s a sin as well.

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