A domain owner who sold the domain name Bullshark.net on Flippa, claims that the domain was essentially stolen, as the payment by the buyer was reversed.
The sale of Bullshark.net was completed in early April, and in late July, the payment was reversed at PayPal by the buyer.
After contacting PayPal with proof of transferring the domain to the buyer’s account with GoDaddy, the seller received the usual treatment from PayPal for items that are digital goods.
The interesting part: the seller contacted the buyer, who claimed he never initiated a credit card dispute, stating that his account “might have been hacked,” and asked for the seller to be patient as he investigated the matter.
Since then, the buyer has not responded to several emails, prompting the seller to report this to Flippa.
For the full text of this case, click here.
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isn’t it common knowledge that paypal is NOT a bank and is the online equivalent of dealing with comcast?
What kind of cheap asshole would do a charge back on $40 bucks. What a loser lol.