Frank Schilling recalls his headbanging days with acquisition of

Once a rocker always a rocker.

There’s no stopping Frank Schilling – the Canadian uber-domainer with the portfolio made of gold, silver and platinum. He even owns the .com of every food dish known to man.

It’s no secret that back in the day, before he started dipping his fingers into the sticky waters of domaining, Frank Schilling sported long hair, which he eventually trimmed down to his casual ‘pretty boy’ looks of today.

The 80s was the era of heavy metal rockers, the time when even the Castello brothers headbanged on stage and skinny babes threw their panties at them.

Nowadays, Frank Schilling is a clean-cut domainer that everyone likes, but his memories of that time – when his hair was longer than his domain portfolio – still live on.

Earlier today, Frank bid on and won the name of a legendary rock group of the 80s – namely, Anthrax.

With this acquisition of for the paltry sum $570 American dollars at Namejet, Frank Schilling is gearing up to create the ultimate shrine for Anthrax.

Or so we hope.

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3 Responses to “Frank Schilling recalls his headbanging days with acquisition of”
  1. Stephan says:

    Frank looks awesome in this pic. Rock on, dude!

  2. Joe Raymond says:

    Looks like Frank missed a few food dishes since I own, and a lot more food related domains but Frank owns way more domains then I do.

  3. Steven says:

    What’s his bidder id on NJ?

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