DomainTools announced its free reverse domain WHOIS today, called Iris Mirror. ™
The service is available to everyone, even those without a credit card, and it’s quite revolutionary, according to those of us who beta-tested it for the past six and a half weeks.
“Iris Mirror ™ is the next step in digital data digestion, bigger than big data and super sized data clusters,” said Saddam Dahta, chief data analyst for DomainTools.
“It takes the WHOIS output and mirrors it, relying on a vertical axis for pure symmetry, and it retains 100% reversibility with no data loss,” added Mr. Dahta.
The reverse WHOIS service – Iris Mirror ™ – produces a perfect data output, as seen in the sample below:
Such reverse WHOIS output undoes the data damage that GDPR created ten weeks ago, by restricting WHOIS storage information.
“It’s virtually a perfect solution for domain investors that need reverse WHOIS to extract useful contact information,” said Saddam Dahta, adding: “Iris Mirror ™ is the result of 9 months of hard work by Indian and Pakistani engineers, working together as a team, and that alone is remarkable!”
To sign up for the service, free of charge, contact
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