Do you need a domain desperately, but the registrant won’t budge?
Is it possible to get that domain by making them change their mind and with minimal effort?
If that domain is with GoDaddy, you might now have an option.
The biggest domain registrar in the world is introducing Hard Push ™, a domain transfer method for parties under duress.
“We wanted to tap into the forced domain transfer market, to explore its endless possibilities,” said Bo Dandy, marketing results coordinator at GoDaddy.
“With Hard Push, you can let the other party know that you truly mean business, and the process will begin after you sign the relevant disclaimer, so that we’re covered by law,” said Bo Dandy, smiling.
The Hard Push ™ transfers at GoDaddy include digital promissory notes of consequential activity, unless the other party complies with the request. While not defined, such activity might include baseball bat swing action, indication of intention to visit the other party’s location for a chit-chat, and other such socially fringe moves.
“As long as the Hard Push initiator understands that they are obligated to engage with a range of social pressure within the realm of the law, we’re good,” said Bo Dandy, adding: “We clearly don’t endorse or support any of the following acts: pistol-whipping, arson, waterboarding or other acts of violence – and this is not a joke.”
If you dare initiate Hard Push ™, navigate to your GoDaddy web interface and start looking for this newly added option, somewhere in the user interface; mobile users are out of luck. Try it with a friend or relative first, and see if it’s meant for you.
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