Guess the Jackpot and Win Sex!

In case you slept during the past two days and didn’t visit for the headlines, is heading to foreclosure auction on March 18th.

A foreclosure? Which clearly means that when you are bad with your finances, it doesn’t matter if you possess the most valuable LLL .com in the world. A loser will still be a loser.

Apparently though, Francois of is was having a little competition about the outcome of this surely rigged auction. Guess the winning bid, if it’s the nearest price you win the jackoff! Or jackpot. Or, whatever.

As he states on his web site, in perfect Anglicized French:

You can bid until March 15th, but better you don’t wait because it pays to bid earlier:

In the case of severals winners the prize will be splitted 50/50 between the first bet and the others, same thing for the second.

The jackpot is 50% of collected money, but we guarantee a $1,000 minimum prize. Place a bet only costs $5, or $10 for 3 bets.

So whip out your calculator and figure out how much money you can get and how much will go in the pocket of Francois and you just might win lots of sex!

Here’s some analysis we did for you.

The readership of is about 95% male. If 60% of all males bet, let’s assume that half of these will bet $10 and the other half $5. Assuming a daily readership of about 1,000 domainers, that’s roughly 570 bets, with $1,425 going towards the $5 bet and $2,850 towards the $10 bet.

A total of roughly $4,275 will be divided between Francois and the jack-offs that will be bidding.

In other words: Francois makes a cool $2k from your bets and as much goes to one jack-off winner!

There. But don’t take our word for it, VOTE:

How much money will be taken by the jackpot winner?

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9 Responses to “Guess the Jackpot and Win Sex!”
  1. Paulc says:

    Hahahahaha! Good one! I think Francois is a smart guy.

  2. Lucius "Guns" Fabrice says:

    So what’s going on, everyone wants to give up a few grand and win the girl with the glossy lips instead?

  3. Francois says:

    Thanks Lucius for the post.

    I also voted for the glossy lips!

    Only one person have bet after +6 hours the contest up.
    Enough to see the interest is not there and pursue it will simply lead to lost a grand.
    The idea was trying to generate some money to help pay hosting expenses this month, not to add an additional expenses…

    In a positive note I will say if I am persistant so I will continue searching and hope one day I will find something that works and that the site will no more cost me money each month.

  4. Lucius "Guns" Fabrice says:

    Francois, I will say this in public: you are one smart guy. You have great ideas. Your only flaw is that you give up too easily. The idea was funny, fun and it only needed some promotion outside of the channels. So promote it! Twitter, facebook, social networks, email lists. Give it time. Perhaps you can do it without the $1,000 guarantee – that was an obvious flaw 😉 But we support you! Never surrender!

  5. Tia Wood says:

    “In a positive note I will say if I am persistent so I will continue searching and hope one day I will find something that works and that the site will no more cost me money each month.”

    Exactly. Don’t give up!

  6. I like the idea but running basically a lottery is illegal. You can’t just have a raffle and sell tickets. I wish you could. First time posting here, Great BLOG, nice to see originality.

  7. Richard says:

    Most our monies go to the females anyway, so I voted to ungloss those lips! 😀

  8. Insider says:

    And guess who owns Mike Mann! That domain name sure was worth $12 million…..not! LOL!

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