Earlier today, SnapNames former VP of Operations, Hank Alvarez, expressed his excitement about the company’s acquisition by Web.com.
Hank Alvarez became involved in a much-publicized auction shilling drama, in 2009; then owners Oversee settled the case by involving Rust Consulting as an expert adviser.
After that incident, Hank Alvarez went on a sabbatical in the Himalayas, and later resurfaced as an expert on Digital Archery consultation services.
With the recent acquisition of SnapNames by Web.com, anything is possible, according to Hank Alvarez, who blogged:
“It is with unimaginable joy that I have been informed of the acquisition of SnapNames by a great company, Web.com.
Such news is pure music to my ears, and I am looking forward to seeing what the future brings to SnapNames and its parent company.”
Obviously, no-one in their right mind would expect Web.com to rehire Hank Alvarez at SnapNames; as the saying goes, “Can’t trust the fox with the chickens” – or something like that.
Read Hank’s full statement at his personal blog, HankAlvarez.com.
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