Honoring the Pearl Harbor fallen : David J. Castello’s article on the Day of Infamy

Pearl Harbor was hit by Japanese airborne forces on this Day of Infamy, 75 years ago.

More than 2400 men and women were killed in the attack that sent the United States into World War II.

Pearl Harbor.

Many books have been written about the surprise attack that targeted the US fleet, but the movie “Pearl Harbor,” along with official documents, fail to present important details about the attack.

David J. Castello, is a published author of “magical realism” stories, and a history buff who also had the privilege of knowing George E. Elliott Jr. – the radar operator who tried to stop the Pearl Harbor attack.

In an article published today at The Daily Beast, David Castello describes how he heard from the person who spotted the Japanese attack on the radar, before anyone else.

Despite desperate attempts to share the important discovery with his superiors, the “hero” of the warning became someone else, who just so happened to be senior.

In March 1942, the Associated Press declared Joseph Lockard to be the The Hero of Pearl Harbor, and he was awarded the Distinguished Service Medal.

The true story of how the real hero, George E. Elliott Jr., remained silent for decades, can now be read at Pearl-Harbor.com

Every year, we point out how an important domain name, PearlHarbor.com is essentially offline, as its owners – Disney – has decommissioned the portal about the movie by the same name.

Many thanks to David J. Castello for reminding us about the heroes of Pearl Harbor on this 75th anniversary of this Day of Infamy.

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