HugeDomains has expanded its domain portfolio substantially, by crossing the 4 million domain threshold.
According to DomainTools, with 4,043,091 domains under management, HugeDomains is the biggest single private registrant of domain names, in the known cosmos!
Maybe they need to change their name to HugestDomains, although that matching .com domain is registered to someone else.
Less than a year ago, in March 2017, HugeDomains managed 2.7 million domains; crossing the 3 million domain threshold in August of last year.
HugeDomains operates domain dropcatching service, DropCatch, and some domainers aren’t all too happy when their backorders there end up at HugeDomains.
Meh. 4,000,000 of what quality, on average? I’ve taken a look. For every so-so domain that acquire they also pick up 5 or 6 “hard to understand why they did THAT” domains. I’m sure they have their reasons for what they do.
For the right price I’ll go through the first million domains and save them a few million on hopeless renewal fees.
Somebody should dump a 10,000 of their domains into GoDaddy’s new bulk appraisal tool and see what comes out. (No gross jokes about what come out, pls. )
Jeff – They pick a lot of domains for traffic, and as they also own NameBright that’s a win-win situation.
Hugedomains grabs all crap