– What was 20th Century FOX thinking?

Despite their century old name, 20th Century FOX is alive and kicking.

We’ve said it before: owners of geodomains related to major world events are depriving the world of an important service, when these domains are not utilized.

Back in January, Acro made a point that should be used for the wellness of the victims of the disastrous earthquake that hit the Caribbean island of Haiti.

With thousands of travelers stranded in Europe and around the world from the destructive force of the volcano atop the Eyjafjallajokull glacier in Iceland, it’s unfortunate seeing that – a major geodomain owned by Digimedia – is by no means a developed site but rather, a portal monetized by random advertising.

According to Digimedia, their goal is:

… to build each of our web sites into great web businesses that solve visitors’ problems and to complete various interwoven networks of related sites.

Unfortunately, there is no current information on the volcano atop the Eyjafjallajokull glacier in Iceland – and that’s to be expected: there is no RSS feed with live news as the site is simply a crafted placeholder for the domain.

In a related incident, film and television giant, 20th Century FOX keeps another generic domain hostage by not providing any content whatsoever on it. – which could have served as an outpost of information related to the lethal volcanic activity atop the Eyjafjallajokull glacier, does not resolve. Thousands of visitors that are currently searching for “volcano” are thus not presented with the type of information that could exist on such a generic term.

It’s a shame that both companies, Digimedia and 20th Century FOX have made such poor choices with regards to the content presented on these generic domain names.

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One Response to “ – What was 20th Century FOX thinking?”
  1. Nick says:

    I agree, it’s just ridiculous that these domains are underutilized.

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