HugeDomains currently holds more than 4.1 million domain names in its portfolio, making the company the biggest private domain holder.
Along with DropCatch, NameBright and NameBee, HugeDomains operates an one-stop shop, or domain aftermarket.
An interesting discussion over at NamePros examines the potential that HugeDomains reprices its domains automatically.
According to the exchange, when domains receive repeated visitors, whether from natural traffic, or from parties interested in acquiring these domains, HugeDomains tags another $100-$200 dollars to the asking price.
Because HugeDomains also lists its domain portfolio at GoDaddy and Sedo, it seems that once a price changes at the active domain lander, these other marketplaces don’t increase the price automatically.
Savvy domain investors, can seemingly go to these other marketplaces to receive the lower price, or attempt to negotiate with HugeDomains directly. – For sale at HugeDomains.
The same name can be listed as many as three different times on, at different prices for each listing, I have recently found.
As a side note, their prices are high for wholesale prices but low for retail prices.
I agree with Anthony. Some of the pricing is actually pretty low for retail. I’m guessing these numbers allow them to fly under the UDRP radar.
HugeDomains operates a one stop shop”… That’s a great brand “”