It’s-a me, Mario: Terrible review of from verified Austrian user

A verified user has left a terrible review of on Trustpilot, incorrectly accusing the domain marketplace of data manipulation and extortion of customers.

Says the negative review of

“most despicable internet company actively uses domain data of godaddy to steal domains and extort customers. should be illegal, maybe it is, sadly, value of domain is not worth paying an attorney to find out.”

Mario Dengg‘s verified account with Trustpilot appears to be in Austria, with the top results matching his name to an Austrian MMA fighter. Could it be that the ripped MMA fighter is also a data privacy geek?

Not so fast.

It appears that there’s another Mario Dengg who is the “owner and IT God” at a computer services company in Austria. One of his public comments is about “cold emails” and whether it’s a euphemism for spam:

“[…] also illegal in EU and some other jurisdictions with 5 to 6 digit fines in €. sadly, most people don’t report it and most countries don’t have institutions to punish these criminals.”

Mario is using a dashed .EU domain name for his business, so it might be a case of a failed domain upgrade. After all, is actually available to register.

Of course, we know that doesn’t peruse GoDaddy data to register domain names and sell them for profit.

This is not the first time, as we’ve pointed out, that this false allegation about leads to the posting of negative reviews about the popular domain selling platform.

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One Response to “It’s-a me, Mario: Terrible review of from verified Austrian user”
  1. lucky says:

    This things happen.
    Hell i get bad reviews for my websites every now and then because people think its my company because i have good google positions
    bad publicity is still publicity

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