A distraught Joe Domainer was found lost in the streets of New York without a name and with a sucky domain portfolio
New York – The Domainer’s Weekly
Authorities have not yet identified a stranded domainer, found walking the streets of New York earlier this week.
The person, referred to as “Joe Domainer” suffers from amnesia and could not give any details about his name, where he’s from or anything related to the reason why he was found walking in Manhattan in the first place.
“I just want to know who I am,” the man said in a statement from the New York City Administration for Lost People. “I want to know who I am and what happened to me.”
His picture was aired on various television channels, including CNN, which resulted to some astounding information provided by viewers of these special programs.
The story thus far:
- He’s from the Midwest
- He was going to attend TRAFFIC New York 2009
- His domain portfolio contains really sucky domains with WHOIS shield on
Based on this information, about 75% of all American male domainers qualified for being “Joe Domainer”. Judging from his poor dental hygiene and scruffy face, said Lt. Christopher Silverman, he appeared to have been living on the streets for some time.
“I had to eat some really bad sushi from the garbage to survive. I also drank some very odd-tasting tea I found in bottles behind a medical center. All I know is that I own domains and that I wanted to sell them. I am a domainer, if that helps. Please help me find my family!” – this was his plea before Police stepped in to take questions.
If anyone is missing their loved one and looks like the person in the photo, please come collect him at the 27th precinct of NYPD before TRAFFIC New York 2009 kicks in.
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I just registered LostDomainer.com & LostDomainers.com.
Well done, Patrick. It’s a niche market. Thousands of domainers lose their (business) bearings each year
How did you register a domain that was registered already on 04-Mar-08
Unless your lying. Are you lying liar?
I don’t know what is funnier… this article or the fact that someone DID register LostDomainer.com last year.Anyway, this site is a riot. Thanks!
I could SWEAR that looks like Rick Latona!
“How did you register a domain that was registered already on 04-Mar-08
Unless your lying. Are you lying liar?”
No Steve.
I was just playing around.
I did not mean it seriously.
I was making fun of what many domainers do.
For a recent example see what happened to blogger Ed Lover as reported here today:
I thought everyone understood the nature of Lucius’ fun domaining blog.
One more thing.
I never checked to see if those 2 domains were registered…because
it didn’t matter to me.
But I knew some of the visitors would look.