Jury Duty – A popular movie with Pauly Shore.
Jury Duty is a civic right and obligation that receives very little recognition; the fine men and women forming a jury, assist with the protection of rights and liberties in the US courts.
That being said, a court process can become lengthy and tiresome, lasting several days.
Jury members do take breaks, but since they are focused on a particular case, what to do during these valuable free moments?
Eat? Visit the bathroom? Meditate?
All this is needed, but when ESQwire partner, Jason Schaeffer was selected to be a juror, he arrived at the court well-prepared.
“I am 100% focused on the case during the proceedings, rest assured. But during the breaks, I take a quick visit to the bathroom, eat a granola bar, and then dive headfirst into the numerous cases we handle at ESQwire.com for customers,” said Jason Schaeffer.
“This past Tuesday I managed to complete several secondary responses on behalf of several clients, and from the look of it we’ll be getting a very positive outcome in every UDRP that we’re involved with!” exclaimed Schaeffer.
“Had I known that I could be so productive during Jury Duty breaks, I’d set up camp permanently at the Court House, instead of going to the office!” added Schaeffer, laughing.
ESQwire is known for utilizing technological innovation by offering Virtual Reality consultations, so if you see Jason during his Jury Duty break with a VR helmet on, rest assured he’s working on winning yet another UDRP case, most likely with a Reverse Domain Name Hijacking finding.
For more information, visit ESQwire.com.
Note: ESQwire is a premium sponsor of DomainGang.com, and this is a parody post, but you already knew that.
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