Mega Millions jackpot buys 500 top domains ever sold!

The Mega Millions jackpot buys a lot of domains.

In a few minutes, the craze about the much publicized Mega Millions jackpot of $640 million will hopefully end, with a winner of this astounding amount of cash.

Since the cash option will be a payout of $462 million, after a 25% tax haircut the lucky winner will be left with approximately $346 million dollars.

Francois Carrillo of lists the Top 500 Domain Sales ever recorded (or disclosed).

The total amount of those 500 domain sales is $314,082,908.

In other words, if you win the Mega Millions jackpot you can – in theory – buy the top 500 domains ever sold back again, and spare some change for domain development 😀

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5 Responses to “Mega Millions jackpot buys 500 top domains ever sold!”
  1. Anunt says:

    The Mega Millions Quick Pick guy needs an ass whooping…he sucks at picking numbers!!!

  2. Attila says:

    What would be the first ten domains you would buy if you won? Thats the true question…

  3. Lucius "Gunz" Fabrice says:

    Anunt – Did you not win?

  4. Poor Uncle says:

    I couldn’t resist. I figure even if I don’t get all the numbers right. If I can just get a few number, I’ll make good money since the payout is so much.

    This afternoon, I stop by a 7-11, and got myself $6 quick pick. It gave me a total of 36 numbers, and I only manage to get 1 number correct. Next time, I play…I am going to pick my own numbers…that way I can ensure every number is unique. 🙂

    My lucky number is 38!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Lucius "Gunz" Fabrice says:

    Poor Uncle – You’re still a winner for reading DomainGang 😀

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