Mike Mann is on a roll; the sale of Cruise.co for $25,000 represents a step up from his recent sale of Flying.co for $3,500
Having secured Oil.co, Gas.co and Gold.co as a grandfathered investor from the .com.co days, Mike Mann pushes forward with the new ccTLD that has clocked almost 400,000 registrations in two weeks.
Surely a positive overtone and a great deal for whoever grabbed this great generic – we’d hope it’d be Chef Patrick for his upcoming DNCruise in October 😀
Meanwhile, Mike Mann will most likely take the cash and take a much-deserved cruise to Colombia.
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we have seen this movie before….this .co movie is called dotMobi 2.0 or dotMe 2.0…several 5 and six figure headlines, the true believers post in forums and blogs, and most are left holding the bag
William – Maybe you saw some PG13 movie because this one is rated R for Real.
The .CO has already established serious traction, get on the bus (dot co) while you can.
I am afraid this .co will beat .mobi and .me total counters in very soon.
Sucker buyer……
thanks for supporting the corrupted Columbia govt.
I know most people don’t like Mike but you cannot argue with a $25000 sale.
I thought the flying.co sale was fairly small, but the cruise.co sale is an impressive one. Who is the buyer?
Domain Report – we’ll have to wait and see once the domain changes hands.
Whoah that’s huge! Congratulations to da Mann 😀
.co is just like all the other extensions. You can take a gamble and possibly flip and make some fast cash but .com is number 1 always will be .co has a chance to hit #2 though .mobi cannot be counted out as if the extension does a split recognition website on .mobi extensions then watch out. >mobi for cell phones could change in a second.. The tech will change
I have kreuzfahrt.co = cruise in german anyone interested ? 🙂 it’s on sedo.
It’s incredible how Mike Mann managed to grab so many great keywords?
Was it because anyone who reg’d an old com.co had rights to reg the same as a .co even without owning trademarks? Is that what this means: “…as a grandfathered investor from the .com.co days”
Why is it that it appears (judging by his .co names) only Mike Mann must have been aware of this angle and no one else seemed to know about it?
David – you’re correct, the .com.co owners were given first dibs at the .co equivalent and it seems that Mike was already the owner of some top tier keywords in .com.co 😀
That was a great sale for Mike! for anyone interested
I have LuxuryCruise.co for sale for $600.
Its on Sedo where you can find alot of good .co names for sale.