Moniker wins the prestigious ‘Registrar of the Year’ award

The Web Hosting and Domains Weekly announced its industry awards a little earlier this year; for the past decade, the awards are meant to congratulate distinguished industry leaders.

Despite recent problems related to security and lack of customer service, the Registrar of the Year award went to an unlikely finalist, Moniker.

“The Registrar of the Year award is reserved for those domain registrars eager to support their customer base, who strive to fix problems and deliver excellent service overall,” said the Web Hosting and Domains Weekly award coordinator, Paula Bdull.

“Moniker is truly trying, very hard so, the executives don’t eat lunch but spend time answering support calls, and on the weekends there is 48 hours of continuous support that isn’t outsourced to India,” added Paula Bdull, smiling.

By winning the Registrant of the Year award, Moniker will hopefully manage to escape the vicious cycle of problems it has found itself in, since it was sold off by Oversee.


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2 Responses to “Moniker wins the prestigious ‘Registrar of the Year’ award”
  1. T Webber says:

    Moniker has become an absolute abomination since they migrated their platform several months ago. They’re incompetent, their customer support sucks, they create negative balances FOR NO REASON and WITHOUT EXPLANATION. They won’t resolve these cases.

    And not just a few. Many people are experiencing the same thing and posting about it online.

    You MUST know what’s been going on, and are concealing it for some reason.

    DG, did someone over at Moniker blow you all for this…

  2. DomainGang says:

    T Webber – Feel free to search for “Moniker” coverage in past articles:

    Also, read the disclaimer in the footer more carefully.

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