#NameSummit : NYC event aimed at entrepreneurs coming up on November 5th

NameSummit, the annual New York City event aimed at entrepreneurs and brand developers, is coming up on November 5th and 6th.

The digital branding conference attracts domain investors, law specialists, brand specialists and angel investors, along with anyone looking to promote and grow their brand in today’s competitive online landscape.

Industry veteran, Jodi Chamberlain, is the event’s organizer and sent us a few additional details about NameSummit 2018:

Thought leaders and mentors return to the stage at NameSummit to share different ways digital marketing continues to transform online business and the real estate market.

This year’s format will highlight domains and their continued importance in owning your content and promoting your brand. The panels will cover the latest in digital branding, SEO, geo domains, and also showcase the newest domain extensions.

Join the two-day event to learn from the very best in digital and the real estate industry such as Gary Malin, President of City Habitats, Scott Durkin, President of Douglas Elliman and Global Luxury Real Estate powerhouse, Luciane Serifovic.

Additionally, meet digital branding YouTube expert Roberto Blake who is returning to teach you how to leverage the YouTube platform and how to create messaging that converts customers.

Kevin Wood, President of Byowner.com is also sharing his strategies on video and how it can create the largest return on investment when establishing your brand via social media marketing!

Throughout the two days you will learn how to build your online and social platforms and network with some of the best in NYC.

To view all event speakers, click here.

If you are a real estate professional and need additional CE Credits, then you can’t pass up this conference.

NameSummit has partnered with Charter Real Estate School to offer licensed real estate mortgage broker or agent event attendees 15 CE credits for attending the 2-day event.

All you need to do is register for the event, attend and check in at the Charter Real Estate School table when you arrive on Monday, November 5th and an onsite representative from Charter will be available to assist you.

Register for just $299 to continue your education, expand your network, share ideas, cultivate new business and professional relationships.

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