A new trend has emerged among web users – the use of extremely long .com domain names.
Recent reports for the last quarter of 2022 show that website owners are choosing to register domain names that are hundreds, even thousands of characters in length. These super long domain names are often filled with seemingly random letters, numbers, and symbols, making them nearly impossible to remember or type out.
But despite these challenges, those who have adopted the trend say that the lengthy domain names are worth it.
“It’s all about standing out in a crowded online marketplace,” said one website owner with a 1,493-character domain name. “Plus, it’s a great way to annoy your competitors who are stuck with boring, short domain names.”
How is this achieved technically, when domains were restricted to only 63 characters until recently?
The answer is multi-core stacking, the ability to “glue” domains together by hacking their microcode at the Registry – just like emojis are available. Only Verisign offers this feature, currently, therefore only .com and .net domains can be super long.
The trend has sparked concern among internet experts, who warn that the long domain names could cause confusion and hinder the user experience.
“We’re already struggling to remember basic passwords – now we have to memorize these monstrosities?” said one internet security expert.
But it seems that the trend is here to stay into 2023 and beyond, as more and more website owners continue to register increasingly long domain names. So get ready, domain investors – the era of the impossibly long domain name has arrived.
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This is exciting news! I guess the person who purchased thelongestlistofthelongeststuffatthelongestdomainnameatlonglast.com for $1,025, in 2019, was way ahead of the curve!
I’ve been able to hand register hundreds of 40+ character domain names this evening. Not one was already registered! It feels like 1993 all over again