With ICANN ending its round of comments for the 1,930 gTLD applications tomorrow, there is one gTLD that has received more than 1,000 comments – against it, that is.
According to ICANN member, Olga Cavalli, the application for dot .patagonia has received 1,038 comments against the application, as the result of the Facebook group “No to .Patagonia“.
The Argentinian region of Patagonia is considered a national treasure, all while Patagonia is also a clothing line and trademark; the applicant company owns Patagonia.com as well.
The second most commented-upon gTLD application, is that of dot .ART, which received almost half of the .patagonia number, or about 550.
ICANN will have to weigh in those comments against .patagonia, before deciding whether to approve or disapprove the .patagonia application.
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