North Korean UDRP Respondent threatens to nuke ICANN

North Korean propaganda poster about the UDRP.

The ICANN multi-steakeholder model office is in red alert today, after a UDRP Respondent made plausible threats over the Internet.

North Korean UDRP Respondent, Shing Ping Kim, lashed out at both the WIPO and ICANN, after his domain was taken away.

Citing the imminent launch of nuclear laden intercontinental ballistic missiles from North Korea, Shing Ping Kim issued a stern warning against anyone who participated in the loss of his .com.

“American imperialists threaten Democratic People’s Republic of Korea for make important decision Internet, cyberspace. Attack will be vicious and instant destruction of America, if no return domain today. Death to imperialists, long live our supreme leader, Kim Jong-un!”

ICANN reported the threats, and DEFCON was raised to level 3, requiring the US Air Force ready to mobilize in 15 minutes. Meanwhile, WIPO officials defended the particular case’s decision.

“Rest assured that our well-trained panelists act independently and without any political bias whatsoever. The domain was removed from the possession of Mr. Shing Ping Kim following standard procedures and there is absolutely no indication it was a politically motivated decision; the Respondent is a cybersquatter.”

We will be monitoring how this latest domain drama unfolds over the weekend, and into a crucial week ahead.

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