With NetMundial – the global meeting on the future of Internet Governance – kicking off in Brazil today, a question, aimed at ICANN emerges:
“Can the overseers be trusted with overseeing the Internet, should the US government hand over control?”
Political pressure is building up, according to Peter Roff, former Senior Political Writer for UPI.

Fadi Chehade, ICANN CEO on C-SPAN.
The Obama administration is now backing off its plans to give up control of key Internet functions to a multi-stakeholder authority, overseen by ICANN – at least as far as the timing goes.
Part of the dispute is whether ICANN – a US corporation headquartered in Los Angeles – should relocate to another country, such as Switzerland, where it could have the potential to function and act in ways that could effectively hurt US interests.
Is ICANN indeed mature to remove the stewardship of the US government, or does it think it is mature – a completely different thing?
For the rest of this argument, visit DailyCaller.com.
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