Owners of 88.com project earnings of $100 million USD selling premium emails

Forget about the HEY.com email, here comes China’s 88.com.

The Chinese lucky number depicted as the shortest possible .com domain, is offering email addresses to hundreds of millions of China’s users.

The domain 88.com is valued at a staggering $50 million dollars by its owner, a company that delves into China’s gaming market, with a size of over $11 billion USD.

According to Yue Dai, Chinese domain investor, top emails under @88.com will sell quickly:

You can apply for your favorite mailbox account through 88.com. I expect more than 30 million people to sign up soon.

One of them, 9999@88.com, costs about $30,000, and I think it’s going to sell pretty quickly.

For example, the email address 88888@88.com costs $24,000 dollars. You can also buy king@88.com for a mere $28 grand. Maybe Rick Schwartz would consider it! 😀

Personal names can have their matching @88.com emails, such as jack@88.com, tony@88.com, andy@88.com, or wendy@88.com at a cost of $15,000 dollars each.

Check out what else is in the 88.com store.

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