Pokémon GO : SnapNames launches new Augmented Reality drop-catching service

SnapKemon - It's coming.

SnapKemon – It’s coming.

Tapping into the lucrative Augmented Reality market, SnapNames is expanding its drop-catching services to the gaming industry.

The Web.com company announced the launch of SnapKemon ™, an AR app designed to integrate with the popular Pokémon GO.

“Many employees at Web.com are now taking extended lunch breaks, and while we’re a progressive company, wanted to understand what is going on,” said Web.com manager, Chaz Baroque.

“As it turns out, many were out and about playing Pokémon GO on their cellphones, hunting and training monsters and that brought down productivity a lot last week,” added Baroque, shaking his head.

Offering incentive to its game-friendly employees, Web.com and its daughter company, SnapNames, will be using SnapKemon ™ to catch Pokémon GO items, all while snapping up domains.

“We designed the app as a service for all Pokémon GO domainers, and the way SnapKemon ™ works is that you go around the block minding your business and various expired domains pop up. You try to catch them before they delete at the Registry, and it’s not as easy as it seems!” exclaimed Chaz Baroque.

The SnapKemon ™ app is free to use and offers a $29 dollar discount to SnapNames domain snaps, if you catch them all. You can then get a bonus round with the top 10 SnapKemon ™ users.

For more information, visit SnapKemon today.

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