Rams.com: Back on the chopping block with a discount

The Los Angeles Rams won the Super Bowl in 2022 and the 2023 football season is underway. The Rams will be playing the Saints on Sunday, just in case you’re a fan.

If, however, you’re a fan of the rams—the animal—rest assured that the domain Rams.com is still up for sale.

No longer displaying information about the male sheep species, Adam Dicker’s domain has been up and down (in pricing) more often than an Essex girl’s knickers.

The current asking price is set at $299,999 dollars with the domain parked at Dan.com. If you’re a lover of the male sheep, or a billionaire owner of a certain football team, now’s your chance to pick it up at a bargain price.

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7 Responses to “Rams.com: Back on the chopping block with a discount”
  1. MapleDots says:

    This domain is now owned by MapleDots.ca and marketed through our NamePost.com marketplace at dn.ca

    See it at: NamePost.com

  2. DomainGang says:

    MapleDots – Can you provide a bill of sale completed via a reputable escrow?

  3. MapleDots says:

    It’s not a retail transaction, for obvious reasons I am not disclosing acquisition price.
    Any doubts contact the previous owner, it was an all cash transaction.

  4. DomainGang says:

    MapleDots – Allow me to dispute that without any proof of sale, per https://www.namepros.com/threads/is-adam-dicker-a-criminal-you-decide.883579/

  5. MapleDots says:

    With all due respect, I am not reporting a sale, I am simply stating the domain has a new owner. That is a fact and obviously I am not going to disclose my acquisition cost, that would be foolish given the value of the domain.

    I have purchased a number of domains from Adam, I cannot comment on ANY of his business transactions other than the ones I have made with him, and in all cases my transactions went smoothly.

    I am sorry others have not had the same luck but I simply cannot comment on those situations because I was not involved and therefore it is not my place to discuss those.

    I won’t be commenting further on this other than…

    – Anyone wanting more info or wanting to make an offer can do so here: https://dn.ca/topic/rams-com.2300

    Anyone doubting my ownership, I will keep whois open for a few days. https://www.whois.com/whois/rams.com

  6. DomainGang says:

    MapleDots – A WHOIS change is not a proof of sale under these circumstances.

    I suggest you do reach out to Ron Jackson at DNJournal and share the financial details (escrow, invoice etc.) regardless of whether you share a price or not.

    I won’t get into further details about the reasons I’m suggesting this but it’s based on knowledge of past transactions by the seller.

  7. MapleDots says:

    Contact me personally and I will put this issue to bed.

    Like I said, I will not be disclosing purchase price publicly so dn journal is not an option.

    I have known you long enough and trust you to keep things confidential so if you want proof please contact me at: frank.at.mapledots.ca

    I am doing this in confidence asking you not to share the purchase price.

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