If you have quality three letter domain names (LLL) Sedo wants to sell them on your behalf. The auction is focusing on .com, .net, and .org LLL domains specifically and exclusively.
The first Sedo auction in 2023 to involve such a group of domains takes place from May 18th to May 25th which means one thing: you need to submit your domains to Sedo as soon as possible!
Here are the requirements for your LLL domains to be included in the upcoming Sedo auction:
- The domain extension (TLD) of the domain is .com, .net or .org
- The domain consists of 3 letters: no hyphens and no digits allowed
- The reserve price is in line with market values
- The domain does not violate any rights of third parties (such as trademark rights, copyrights or names of famous people)
Although we haven’t checked, Sedo *might* be accepting IDN, LLL domains. Don’t take that for certain though, just submit them for inclusion in the auction and let us know what happens.
Update from Sedo: IDN LLL domains are not allowed, only ASCII.
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