Sleepless in Seattle: DomainSherpa announces first ever DNLoveFest conference

Following up on the undeniable success of the first Seattle Domain Name meetup, DomainSherpa manager, Michael Cyger announced the upcoming DNLoveFest conference.

DNLoveFest 2014 - Sponsored by DomainSherpa.

DNLoveFest 2014 – Sponsored by DomainSherpa.

“Today’s the day that domainers profess their love and share gifts in hopes of some passionate nookie later tonight,” said Michael Cyger, drafting the agenda of the first Domain Name Love Fest conference, on the back of a box of chocolates.

“Also, on Valentine’s day, male domainers spend money and effort to appease their spouse to leave them alone dabbling in their domain activity, so this conference is both a reward and an invitation to get some action going,” added Cyger.

Using the domain DNLoveFest.Singles, the DomainSherpa operator promises to deliver: a $20 fee to attend, restricted to 69 people only, right atop the Seattle Space Needle.

For that price, which includes a drink and four assorted canapes prepared by Michael Cyger, one cannot beat the benefits of attending the DNLoveFest conference, scheduled for tonight from 7:00pm to 11:00pm.

Be there, or be square.

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