If you sold a domain name, it’s important that you let the world know about it. The amount is not important, what matters is that your sale receives the attention it deserves.
Stan Folley, operator of Fame to the Many, a social media marketing company in Nebraska, explains:
“Gone are the days that established domain investors controlled the news. Domainers want to hear about other domain investors that are “small fries,” and are tired of the big announcements by the kings and queens of domaining.
What we do is encourage small domain sales, in the $100 – $2,500 range, to get exposure through our India-based network of associates. Once the news gets out you’ll get a ton of likes.”
Folley’s army of re-tweeters gives ample exposure to sales that old school domainers would never dare share back in the day. By promoting those small sales Folley wants to bring attention to everyone and not just the domain investors with the deep pockets and the Ferraris.
“We take screenshots of these accomplishments, whether it’s on Afternic, Epik, GoDaddy auctions, or Sedo, and after blanking out the domain we share the numbers with the world; even if it’s $100 or $1,000 what matters is the exposure via social media,” adds Folley.
If you scored any sale, share about it or contact Fame to the Many for a discounted promotional package.